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KISS -Keep it simple sillygoose (1 reply)

Britt She
Britt She
3 years ago
Britt She 3 years ago

Jello to all,
This is just a note to remind people that yep...we hear you, times are tough. Inflation, war, racism, sexism, all the isms that are not good. When I was a youth, we struggled a lot financially which in turn caused many problems emotionally in my home. Before I properly hit puberty and became miserable to be around for several years (while my hormones continuously shuffled) I had this wonderful gift of finding fun in the simple things. We used to record ourselves doing mock celebrity interviews, we would make comic books, make smore's even if we were using candles instead of a campfire.Movie night with pizza became a normal family ritual. We had these little things we used to try and keep us grounded and remember that life is going to be okay as long as we love each other and look out for one another. I have a challenge to everyone who might read this to take the wisdom of an eleven year old child and find some simple pleasures to indulge in. I encourage you to include others even if those others are pets. I can't tell you how many times in my life that my closest friends had four paws, so no judgement there. Life is short, make time to give thanks for the simple joys and really savor the moment because before you know it, it will all change again. Life is fluid, life is change. All of my love to you! -Britt

3 years ago
JJ L 3 years ago

Thank you for your post, Britt ~ That's a wonderful sentiment. .. Especially these days, with the actual threat of all-too-real violence from the radical right against the LGBTQ+ community and all others those radicals target with their hatred.

Case in point ~ Just earlier this month, a group of white nationalists {dressed in riot gear and armed with shields and grenades} were intercepted on their way to wreak violence and havoc upon an LGBTQ+ Pride celebration occurring nearby {See link below}. .. This, in Idaho ~ a hotbed of such deplorable, far-right, Republican, white supremacist politics and activity. .. And as with mass shootings, these are very real threats which have become odiously and unprecedentedly mainstream. ..

I am with you, Britt ~ It is Love that people need ~ globally ~ and it is only Love that will lead to our highest collective quality of Existence. .. But that is in very real jeopardy, even here in the US ~ violent extremism is a growing threat to us all, and will be as long as it is allowed to dominate. .. This is why, terrible as these issues are, I have been posting about them ~ because we will never solve problems without recognizing and addressing them. .. In fact, unless the majority of people stand up and vote against this kind of thing ~ these depraved radicals will overtake the entire country, and proceed to force their twisted ideology upon the whole nation. ..

Indeed, just as the Supreme Court is about to do. .. Justices that LIED under oath to get on the bench are now about to strike down Roe v. Wade, enabling draconian abortion laws that will effectively sentence millions of women to death for generations to come. .. Of all civilized countries, the US has by far the highest death rate for women {and 80% of these, women of colour} during childbirth. .. And many of the states already passing these laws make no exception for rape or molestation victims. .. And too, many of these same states are already moving to ban contraception as well. .. Even more disturbingly, the Republicans have already stated that what they are really after is to make these anti-abortion laws nationwide. ..

These are just some of the terrible issues that the nation now faces. .. And it is only by fighting against these things that we will be able to be able to truly have a country with liberty and justice for all. ..

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