Happy Halloween, Happy Samhain! (1 reply and 1 comment)
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share a belated Halloween. I hope everyone had fun. The holiday season is a time for oneness and unity. I wish all people the very best and much love regardless of what holidays you celebrate. PS, don't 'ghost' man, it's not cool.
Lol ~ Thank you Britt. .. Amen to that!
As the Seasons change and fall turns to winter, we find ourselves again at that time of year whereat we remember, celebrate, & Honour our ancestors and/ or Loved ones who have passed. .. Time to recognize the Eternal Nature of Cycles ~ Life, Death, Rebirth. ..
There are many rituals and traditions with which we can observe the season. .. Prepare a meal with friends, and set places for those who have passed. .. Walk in Nature, gathering flowers, plants, sticks, etc. with which to adorn an altar. .. Write down things one wishes to release, and burn them in a Fire. .. Go Within, and contemplate the Cycles of Life and the passage of Time. ..
Fittingly, it also brings to Mind something I have been encountering ~ “Ghosting”. .. This is an inexplicable behaviour that was unfamiliar to me up until a few years ago ~ but since then, I’ve come across it more than once. .. It is when one is interacting with another ~ Great Communication and Connection seem mutual, and to be going well ~ but suddenly, with no reason or explanation, the other person will go completely incommunicado ~ refuse any further interaction or Communication, ignore you, and may even block you. .. When this first happened to me, it struck me as the oddest, most puzzling, and unreasonable thing ~ an impression I somewhat still have. .. How can a person go from so liking and/ or Loving you, to that?? Clearly your feelings or relations suddenly do not matter? And, when I discussed the phenomenon with a psychiatrist I very much like, respect, and Trust ~ they told me “ghosting” as it’s called, is actually a very unhealthy thing. ..
But, I see it also as a Sign of the Times, and not in a Good way. .. Friends whom I've spoken with about it have also experienced it multiple times, and have had the same incredulous, extremely puzzled reaction I have. .. I think, like anti-masking or anti-vaxxing, it represents a diminished respect and/ or regard for others that some people have come to believe is acceptable. .. However, I think in Truth, it is a very sad, regrettable thing ~ and almost always unnecessary, if you think about it. .. Why do people do it? Isn’t it because they’re hurt or upset, or dislike something you do ~ but don’t want to address it? Does it stem from an increasing inability of people to Communicate Authentically, constructively, productively, effectively about their feelings? Is it something brought about by and/ or related to the current social trends of hostility, racism, sexism, classicism, misogyny, homophobia and discrimination? Is it from a growing inability and reluctance ~ perhaps even fear ~ for people to express/ address their emotions in meaningful, Positive, and Strengthening ways?
If you think about it, though ~ if it’s from any of these things, ghosting isn’t really necessary at all. .. Is Communication, expressing one’s feelings really such a scary, bad thing that we shouldn’t even try at all? And what is that fear OF? That we will be vulnerable? That we might disclose too much feeling? Why are those scary things? Could it be, it’s only because increasingly, people prefer to “180”, or shut themselves off when faced with Strong emotions? But the irony is, the better we become at expression such emotion, the less traumatic it will be ~ and usually we stand to gain a Strengthened, deeper, more Positive Connection with another, as well as well as more confidence in, and better Understanding of, ourselves.. ..
So please ~ If you’re ever feeling tempted to “ghost” someone ~ consider that simple, Authentic Communication is really nothing to fear ~ It is actually a wonderful thing. .. And if we overcome such fear, we may well find not only Light and Positivity in doing so, but perhaps that our Existence is Strengthened and enriched as well. ..
Happy Halloween & Happy Samhain to All!