Greetings, All ~
As many of you will know, there is a very important piece of legislation in Congress right now. It is the Equality Act ~ The first and only LGBTQ+ general anti-discrimination protection law in the US. It has passed the House of Representatives, and is due next to come before the Senate ~ where the bill is already encountering Republican opposition. President Biden, however, has already stated that if it passes Congress, he will sign it into law. So now is a crucial time for the Act ~ a time for all the LGBTQ+ community and its supporters to let their voices be heard. .. To contact our senators and representatives, and let them know that this law is of the utmost importance ~ that it is long overdue, and is the only way of protecting the basic human and civil rights of the LGBTQ+ community.
Here is the actual text of the bill, as well as a few articles about it. Too, there is a link to Keshet, a Jewish LGBTQ+ organization that has an e-form with which you can contact your senators {The form is written for the Jewish community, but can be modified to reflect any individual}
Please take a moment to fill it out ~ It is paramount for the protection and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community.
Thank you
HR5 The Equality Act {text}
Equality Act Stalls in Senate by the Washington Post
The Equality Act, Fact Sheet, by
Email/ Contact Your Senators & Representatives, by Keshet
Signed. Thank you for posting this. History is in the making now. For years I found myself victim of the tyranny of toxic masculinity. There were many occasions when my gender and sexuality felt like a burden, growing up in an environment that was oppressive towards women. Feeling trapped between the two worlds of either being sexually desired and openly lusted after or berated for not ‘making an effort’ to be ‘pretty’ as if women are born to be idols, coveted until we turn forty years old and then we are thrown away. I just want to say that I am proud of all the brave people who have come together to say ‘enough is enough’. For all of the people who are no longer going to be intimidated by religious zealots and narrow minded bigots. I am grateful for this time of enlightenment that we are now entering.
Hi Britt ~ Thank you for signing and posting. And thank you for sharing that ~ I’m sorry to hear about your trials growing up. I’m sure many LGBTQ+, can relate, though. Unfortunately, it is the root of many problems those in the Community face ~ That women and men are so often socialized into rigid gender-specific roles and stereotypes ~ stereotypes which promote the idea that women are somehow inherently “less than” men, and that they should act accordingly. Of course, such ideas are not only extremely damaging, but limiting, too. .. That is one of the purposes of this website ~ to offer support and safe haven to all women, men, trans, non-binary people and all others in our global LGBTQ+ Community. ..